Jealous Guy – Donny Hathaway

John Lennon wrote this song, but this Donny Hathaway rendition is special.

First of all, it’s from a live album simply called LIVE, which feels beautifully audacious. Also, the vibe throughout this record is perfectly loose and tight, qualities I also envy. I found it when I was recording an album with my old band (which we recorded live). It taught me about craft and how there are literally no rules about how we work and create.

For instance, there’s a bass solo on another song that was taken from a totally different live performance that they liked, so they just spliced the tape to include it in a different live performance recorded across the country. I’m embarrassed to say I was critical, at first, of the clumsy edit and the decision overall. But now, I see it for what it is, and that is someone else’s art. Donny’s voice, keys chops, and the players he got to play alongside are next level, and should be an inspiration for us to create more than we judge.

Listen to the fifty-two 52 playlist.